What does the "URL" field do?
The value of the URL field modifies the Address (URL) of the resulting Page.
For example, the URL of a Page contained within a Section would be: www.mydomainname.com.au/section/page.aspx.
Important Usage Note: It is recommended to leave the URL field blank when first creating new content as the system automatically generates the URL based on the Title of the new content (complete with hyphens between each word).
After the new content is saved, you can then manually modify the URL and re-save the Page as required.
Usage Tactics:If you create a Section titled My Section and leave the URL field blank, the URL field will auto-fill with My-Section and the page will be created with the following URL:
A common reason to modify the URL is that the Title is too long, especially when advertising or promoting a specific URL is required.
You might have a Section titled Specials and create a special offer for Buy 1 Widget and get 1 Widget Free in October.
On creation, if the URL field is left blank, the resulting URL would be:
While the title is fine to publish on the page itself, for advertising or promoting purposes it is far more preferable to simplify the URL for example:
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