How do I add links?
Monday, 21 May 2007 12:27 PM
If you wish to add a link within content, you will first need to edit the
record in which you would like to add the link.
Scroll down to the wysiwyg editor containing the content in which you would like to add a link. Highlight the text you wish to use as a link by dragging your mouse across it with the left mouse button held down.
Select Insert Link
from the wysiwyg controls.
To link to a page within your current site simply select the page from the site map displayed, select the appropriate view and click "Set Link".
To link to an external url, enter the external url beginning with http:// or https:// and click "Set Link".
Save the record and the link will appear within the content.
If you wish to add a new link to one of your menus, go to the Control Panel, select Menus and Sections, select the menu to which you wish to add an item and Create a new section.
Scroll down to the wysiwyg editor containing the content in which you would like to add a link. Highlight the text you wish to use as a link by dragging your mouse across it with the left mouse button held down.
Select Insert Link

To link to a page within your current site simply select the page from the site map displayed, select the appropriate view and click "Set Link".
To link to an external url, enter the external url beginning with http:// or https:// and click "Set Link".
Save the record and the link will appear within the content.
If you wish to add a new link to one of your menus, go to the Control Panel, select Menus and Sections, select the menu to which you wish to add an item and Create a new section.
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