How do I access my E-mail?

Friday, 1 June 2007 4:01 PM
You can access your e-mail either through the IASP webmail or by setting up a program on your computer such as Microsoft Outlook Express or Mozilla Thunderbird.

You will require the following information:

Your e-mail address and password (available through the 'email management' section of your IASP control panel)
Your incoming mail server:
Your outgoing mail server: provided by your Internet Service Provider

To set up your email address in Microsoft Outlook Express

  1. Open Outlook Express.
  2. Click on the "tools" menu and select "accounts".
  3. Click the "add" button and select "mail".
  4. Type your name as you want it to appear in the 'from' field. Then click "next".
  5. Type your e-mail address: Then click "next".
  6. Enter the following information:
    • Mail server type: POP3
    • Incoming mail server:
    • Outgoing mail server: as provided by your internet provider
  7. Enter your password as provided by IASP. Your password is available through your IASP control panel under 'e-mail management'). Make sure that 'Log on using secure password authentication (SPA)' is not checked. Click "next".
  8. Click "finish".

If you require further assistance, please contact your internet service provider.

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