How do I create a new master category?
Thursday, 24 May 2007 3:26 PM
Master Categories must be enabled by IASP and are typically given a 'name' by
IASP administrators during the original website production process according to
their specific context within each individual IASP website.
Master Categories appear as an option and can be managed within the IASP Control Panel.
If the Master Categories have been specifically named by IASP within an individual website, e.g. 'Product Categories', the link to manage the Master Categories within the IASP Control Panel will display the specific name.
Master Categories appear as an option and can be managed within the IASP Control Panel.
If the Master Categories have been specifically named by IASP within an individual website, e.g. 'Product Categories', the link to manage the Master Categories within the IASP Control Panel will display the specific name.
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