Introduction to the IASP Control Panel

Sunday, 1 April 2007 12:00 AM

Numerous advanced web site management functions are accessed via the IASP Control Panel.

The IASP Control Panel is a dropdown option within the IASP Administration Tools (pictured).

To open the dropdown menu from the IASP Administration Tools, mouse over the IASP 5.0 icon which appears only to administrators logged into your website.

Depending on your individual website specifications, the IASP Control Panel contains different areas that can be accessed by selecting the relevant TAB.

All IASP 5.0 websites have the following options within the IASP Control Panel:

  • Site Config
  • Your Support Tickets
  • Knowledge Base
  • Automated Messages
  • Image Gallery
  • Menus and Sections
  • Your User Profile
  • Manage Access

Additional IASP Control Panel Options vary according to your individual website specifications and include:

  • Messenger
  • List Management
  • Category Management

The following new features will be made available within the IASP Control Panel over the next few weeks:

  • E-mail Management
  • Usage Statistics

Each individual area within the IASP Control Panel has individual online support information available when you are accessing the relevant area.

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