How do I return to the IASP Administration Tools Menu?

Wednesday, 4 April 2007 7:25 AM
The Short Answer:

All the functionality normally contained in the IASP Administration Tools dropdown menu is covered by the Home view of the Control Panel - and more! The equivalent functions to those in the menu are outlined below:
  • View this Item / Edit this Item - Site Config
  • Manage Access - Manage Access
Equivalent functions to the old Master Site Settings are also all covered. The most important one perhaps is the Menus and Sections module - this covers the functionality of the old Site Menus tab and allows you to modify the fundamental structure of content of your site.

To leave the Control Panel, simply use the normal navigation menus on your site at any time (ensure you have saved any changes first).

The Long Answer:

During the testing and validation process for the new Control Panel we discovered an adverse interaction between the Control Panel and the IASP Administration Tools menu in Internet Explorer 6.

For sake of consistency we globally disabled the tools menu when viewing the Control Panel, with the fact in mind that all the functionality contained within said menu is duplicated in the Control Panel anyway.

If feedback overwhelmingly suggests this was a bad idea, we will re-enable the tools menu for browsers other than Internet Explorer 6, however for IE6 we do not plan to re-enable it in this context.

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