How do I change a User's e-mail address?

Monday, 2 April 2007 12:34 AM
In order to comply with strict anti-spam legislation users will need to go through a confirmation process in order to change their e-mail address.

If the facility to change user's e-mail addresses has been added to your website a tickbox marked 'my e-mail address has changed' will appear in the user registration field when a registered user edits their own details. Once this box is ticked a user can enter a new e-mail address. A confirmation e-mail will be sent to the new e-mail address, to confirm the change of address a user will need to click the confirmation link (or enter a confirmation code). An e-mail is also sent to the user's old e-mail address giving the option to cancel the change.

If this functionality does not appear to be available on your website please contact IASP support: or raise a support ticket.

This strict confirmation process ensures that your website complies with anti-spam legislation, protecting you from potential million dollar fines. If you have any further questions about the user confirmation process please don't hesitate to contact IASP support:

Please note that administrators are not able to change a user's e-mail address for them. If a user is not able to edit their own user record to change their e-mail address, an administrator can create a new user with the new e-mail address and set the old user to 'pending'.

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