Can you export the information to excel?

Wednesday, 1 December 2010 9:26 AM
If you have the section export tools enabled on the section you wish to export (your Users for example), you are able to download the data of your site into a CSV (comma separated values) file, which you can then open in Excel or similar spreadsheet software.
To export data from a section:
  • Navigate to the section you wish to export data from,
  • Click the 'Export Section Records' link in the yellow box at the top of the page,
    • A new window will open prompting you to download a file - select a path to download the file to,
    • Click Save.
You can now open the CSV file (usually named export.csv) in Microsoft Excel to view the data.
If you do not have export tools enabled on the section you require, you can request to have export tools turned on by raising a support ticket.

Download File

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