Welcome to the iASP 6.0 Knowledge Base
Welcome to the official support and assistance web site for the iASP™ cms.
This website was purpose built using iASP™ technology and is an interactive, constantly evolving knowledge source for existing and potential clients, partners, and staff.
The information and interactive functionality you can access on this website varies according to your relationship with Enotia Australasia Pty Ltd, developers of the iASP™ cms, and you must be logged into this website to view all options available to you.
NOTE: Before logging into this website you must already have created a User Profile on the iASP.com.au website. User profiles created on the IASP.com.au website allow you to login to both the iASP.com.au and iASP.net.au websites with the same login details.
- If you already have a User Profile login now.
- Or create a new User Profile at the iASP.com.au website. Once you have created (and confirmed) your iASP.com.au User Profile you can use this profile to login to both iASP.com.au and iASP.net.au websites.
Latest Support Bulletin
Expect a couple of exciting announcements later this month, but right now, further to the recent launch of the new iASP™ Shopping Cart System we are very pleased to officially release powerful new navigation / search and filtering tools that position the iASP™ e-commerce platform among the very best available.
Designed for clients with large and complex product databases, the new capabilities allow customers to search / sort and filter products by any criteria (or attributes) they wish.
For example, customers can now quickly limit the products they see based on specific criteria such as shopping by size or colour or price range.
For more information about the new iASP™ Shopping Cart System please contact the Enotia office directly on (03) 8692 7241.

Latest Knowledge Base Answers

- Navigate to the iASP CMS Control Panel, and click on Messenger,
- Step 1: create a new campaign by entering a Campaign Title and click 'Create' at the bottom of the table. (Note: The campaign title is for your reference only and is not used in the email itself).
- Step 2: Select the template that you wish to use for the campaign, and click 'Load Template'.
- Step 3: Enter the content for your email. Depending upon the requirements of your email template, different fields will be available for you to enter content into various part of your template.
- In some templates, you are able to add a list view of pages from your website.
- To add a page, search for the page title within the table labelled 'Choose pages to include'.
- You can re-order the pages that you have added by clicking on 'Up' or 'Down' in the second table labelled 'Pages to be included'.
- Once you are happy with the content of your email, click 'Preview Content',
- Step 4: Preview the HTML and Plain Text version of your campaign in the preview pages to make sure that your content is displaying properly and there are no mistakes.
- You can email yourself a preview copy to see how the email will look in your email client. To do this, click 'Send me a Preview Copy'. The preview will be sent to the email address that you are logged into the website with.
- To make changes to your content, scroll up to the greyed box for Step 3 and click 'Make further changes'.
- Once you are happy with the content of your email and are ready to send the campaign, click 'Choose Subscribers'.
- Step 5: Select the subscribers to send the campaign to.
- You can send campaigns to any registered user from your User database that has subscribed to your maillist topic.
- To send to all subscribers of a maillist topic, check the box alongside the name of the topic, and then click 'Add All Subscribers matching these criteria'.
- To send to a subset of subscribers of a maillist topic, check the box alongside the name of the topic, and additional enter details into the Advanced Search Options to target particular subscribers (for example only the subscribers from NSW). Then click 'Search and manually filter subscribers.
- A list of the matching subscribers will appear, and you can manually select the email addresses that you wish to add.
- You can confirm the addresses that will receive the campaign by clicking the 'List Recipients' link at the top of the table after adding at least one subscriber.
- Once you have added everyone that you want to send the campaign to click 'Proceed to Signoff'.
- Step 6: Enter the details for the email - the subject, the From name and the From email address. You can then select to send the campaign now, or at a specified date and time.
- When you are ready for the campaign to be sent, click 'Send Campaign'. Your campaign will be added to the mailout queue and will be sent out when it becomes first in the queue.